half way, and more to gothe time will come.we are already in a half way to finished what we seek for the past 4 years.thus, i'm referring to the Degree that we seek.
we just came back from midsem break. which is 2nd phase that we have to face for remaining semester.yeah! as i can say, the holiday no so holiday, frequently for me. lots work to do, lots thing to think. or
am i pretend to have lots of works, in reality of stay kat bilik and playing games?hahahafyp,intern,fyp,intern,fyp,intern. sgt suka benda2 ni semua. time ni je kan nak serabut kepala dengan perkara2 camni. bila lagi kn.
lets do our best for another half way. jgn lupa sentiasa berdoa, meminta kpd Allah semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan dengan jayanya.amin
lets push out ourselves
ingat, langit tak selalunya cerah - be prepared
p/s: "..jalan berliku harap ku dapat harunginya"
p/s/s: kepada sahabat, keep praying, semoga segala perancangan ko diberkati Allah. just follow the flow. Dia tahu,itu yang terbaik utk ko.dan ko mampu hadapinya.insyaallah.
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